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Saturday, February 12, 2005

Love as Long as You Can

A decade of love seems unbelievable to reach.. but I tell u, if it is your hearts desire, u can even reach a century of loving a person.
A love that even if that person can't offer u anything in return, but loving is not about receiving, it is about expressing love even if it doesn't come back.

A martyr some called it, but for me, some people are born to love even in times of pain and shaken relationships or seems the light is fading on the other side of your partner's heart.
People may say, stop it, you're just fooling yourself, wake up and face the reality that its over! but no one can dictate what your heart really feel.Maybe through time only the heart can say, its enough, you have done all u can, it is time to let go, then maybe then u can let go and u can say...because my heart says so.
I will try everything I can to revive that relationship, though all alone in the process, because I love that person, I will go on.

Someday I can say, I have done everything and I guess I have to let go now but today is not that day I am sure, I do not know about tomorrow.
To you my love, I never regret knowing you and being with u, every second with you are being cherished here in my heart. I love you and I know till now coz my heart says so.



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