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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Happy New Year!

Once again it is time to make our New Year's Resolutions. Each year at this time we take an assessment of ourselves and declare our intention to change, however, most of us will fail at these efforts.

Why is it that we promise so much and achieve so little? Why do we fall short of our goals?
Perhaps the answer to these questions is found in the nature of New Year's Resolutions. The tradition is to look at those things which we don't like about ourselves - - our weight, smoking, lack of exercise, and general poor health practices. Or, our hectic stressed life styles, strained relationships, and lack of spiritual focus.

The problem with such assessment is that it is built upon a negative image of ourselves. The resulting resolutions tell us what we "should" do and don't focus on what we "want" to do. Typical New Year's resolutions are concerned with correcting the negative and not with enhancing the positive.
Maybe we need a new word for what we do each New Year -- not resolution but rather affirmation. Not "I resolve" but "I affirm." An affirmation is a positive statement and a declaration of things to be true. A resolution feels like something we should do whether or not we want to. An affirmation speaks to what we are already doing and want to do more of. While a resolution often makes us feel that we are not good enough, an affirmation emphasizes the positive aspects of ourselves.
What can you affirm about yourself for the coming year? What do you value about yourself and want to enhance? Is it your kindness to others, your continual wonder at the beauty of nature, or your sense of deep gratitude for all that you have. Perhaps it is your sincere appreciation for the love and support of your family. Maybe it involves your creativity or the courage you have for speaking up to correct a wrong. It might be your ability to be still and quiet which always brings a sense of reassuring peace to others.

This New Year take the time to assess the qualities that you like about yourself. What qualities would you like to strengthen? Make a list of them for your New Year's Affirmations and then share them with others, as you positively state and declare them to be true for the coming year.

~Daniel H. Johnston


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