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Sunday, December 02, 2007

My Birthday Wishlist..and for the Holidays ;)

Another year gone soon!

Same with last year, my birthday is struck between two important events, my friend's baby's bday and xmas eve! and I will definitely be running from here to there...making sure I wont miss the occasions, and propably crying over the slightest silly reasons! hehehe..

As for my wishlist, this is actually my first! I prolly had said for 25 years that I don't know what I want for my birthday. But this year I think I have couple of things that I really wish to get my hands on!

*Drum rolls*

Wishlist (I wish and I wish and I wish...)

1. Betty Boop Watch Red/Silver Heart Charm.

2. 300 QR shopping voucher from cityplaza.
(Dunno why it takes them real looooong time to send it to us?)

3. Shopping Spree.
(shop till I drop!)

4. New wheel for tiny.
(I know I know u fixed it already..but u know me right?)

5. Anything with a personal touch. Not all gifts can be purchased.
(I'll leave that to my good friend's imagination..could be a fone call from a long-distance friend will always do)

6. Mom's Health in all aspect...( I PRAY HARD FOR THAT, AMEN!).

7. FUN picnic with all my friends loved ones.

8. World PEACE. (Peace within for those unfortunate insecure souls).

9. Happiness for all mankind. (everyone deserve to be happy).

10. My 1st Inaanak to stay with us. (I'm really praying hard for that).

11. For me to learn how to forgive and forget. (to be a better person).


10. Flowers (No pink roses please...Tulips, Daisies & Sunflowers are always welcome! hehe)

11. Betty Boop Tote Bag Purse Heart Crown Jeweled.(or any Betty Boop bag will do ;))

12. Chocolates!!!

13. Betty Boop Cell Phone Charm Fits Antenna (Add on for my charm!)

Dreamlist (Will anyone fulfill my dreams? *Giggles*)
1. Red Mini Cooper Car (I can't resist the fun of playing with it!hehe)

2. A pair of diamond earrings.
(I have a diamond ring, this would be a perfect match!)

3. A long nice vacation.
(This is really a dream... the longest vacation I had was 2 weeks, but I'm thankful for our upcoming Masqat vacation ;))

Voidlist - Things to avoid
1. pink roses (As mentioned)

2. Soft toys.

3. Pinkie stuffs... (I'm NOT a pink-cutesy-thing kinda person)

===> this list is subject to editing ;)

Wahaha.... Came up to be a huge list... Ok... I'm greedy! But it's my WISH LIST!


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