wana be a 1st Class?!
I recieved this email from a good friend of mine..
(u may got this one also!)
I found it worth sharing to the world,
cuz it made me think deeply of the human nature,
that HAPPINESS is a status that not
everyone know how to find,unless they find the Key
please read below...
Here's something worth reading and think about it..
Sometime in life we are all looking for the missing 10% ..
life is never perfect and there's no such thing as 100% ..
Most of all, we are far from perfect too !!
Hope all of you will enjoy this email..
As it is to me !!A good reminder to appreciate life as
we have right now!! Adultery happens when you
start looking for what you don't have.
"Wow, this girl in my office is a real looker.
(u may got this one also!)
I found it worth sharing to the world,
cuz it made me think deeply of the human nature,
that HAPPINESS is a status that not
everyone know how to find,unless they find the Key
please read below...
Here's something worth reading and think about it..
Sometime in life we are all looking for the missing 10% ..
life is never perfect and there's no such thing as 100% ..
Most of all, we are far from perfect too !!
Hope all of you will enjoy this email..
As it is to me !!A good reminder to appreciate life as
we have right now!! Adultery happens when you
start looking for what you don't have.
"Wow, this girl in my office is a real looker.
But it's not her Wynona Rider features that got me.
I'm crazy about her because she's also understanding,
intelligent, tender, so many things that my spouse is not."
Somewhere along the way, you'll find a woman or
a man who will be more charming or sensitive.
More alluring. More thoughtful. Richer. Have greater
sex appeal. And you will find a woman or man
who will need you and pursue you and go loco
over you more than your spouse ever did.
Because no wife or husband is perfect.
Because a spouse will only have 90% of what
you're looking for.
So adultery takes place when a husband or
wife looks for the missing 10%. Let's say your wife
is melancholic by nature. You may find yourself
drawn to the pretty clerk who has a cherry laugh
no matter what she says: "I broke my arm yesterday,
Hahahaha . . ." Or because your wife is a homebody
in slippers and pajamas, smelling of garlic and fish oil,
you may fall for a fresh-smelling young sales
Somewhere along the way, you'll find a woman or
a man who will be more charming or sensitive.
More alluring. More thoughtful. Richer. Have greater
sex appeal. And you will find a woman or man
who will need you and pursue you and go loco
over you more than your spouse ever did.
Because no wife or husband is perfect.
Because a spouse will only have 90% of what
you're looking for.
So adultery takes place when a husband or
wife looks for the missing 10%. Let's say your wife
is melancholic by nature. You may find yourself
drawn to the pretty clerk who has a cherry laugh
no matter what she says: "I broke my arm yesterday,
Hahahaha . . ." Or because your wife is a homebody
in slippers and pajamas, smelling of garlic and fish oil,
you may fall for a fresh-smelling young sales
representative that visits your office in a sharp
black blazer, high heels, and a red pencil-cut skirt.
Or because your husband is the quiet type,
your heart may skip a beat when you meet
an old college flame who has the makings
of a talk show host...
But wait! That's only 10% of what you don't have.
Don't throw away the 90% that you already have!
That's not. Add to your spouse's 90% the 100% that
represents all the years that you have been with each other.
The storms you have weathered together.
The unforgettable moments of sadness and joy as a couple.
The many adjustments you have made to love the other.
The wealth of memories that you've
But wait! That's only 10% of what you don't have.
Don't throw away the 90% that you already have!
That's not. Add to your spouse's 90% the 100% that
represents all the years that you have been with each other.
The storms you have weathered together.
The unforgettable moments of sadness and joy as a couple.
The many adjustments you have made to love the other.
The wealth of memories that you've
accumulated as lovers. Adultery happens
when you start looking for what you don't have.
But faithfulness happens when you start thanking
God for what you already have.
But I'm not just talking about marriage.
But I'm not just talking about marriage.
I'm talking about life! About your jobs..
About your friends.. About your children..
About your lifestyles..Are you like
the economy airline passenger that perennially peeks
through the door of the first class cabin, obsessed with
what he's missing? "They have got more leg room!
Oh my, their food is served in porcelain! Wow,
About your lifestyles..Are you like
the economy airline passenger that perennially peeks
through the door of the first class cabin, obsessed with
what he's missing? "They have got more leg room!
Oh my, their food is served in porcelain! Wow,
their seats recline at an 80% angle and they've
got personal videos!" ..
guarantee you'll be miserable for the entire trip!
Don't live your life like that.
Forget about what the world says is first class.
Do you know that there are many first
guarantee you'll be miserable for the entire trip!
Don't live your life like that.
Forget about what the world says is first class.
Do you know that there are many first
class passengers
who are miserable in first class --- because they're
not riding in a private Jet?!!
The main message: If you start appreciating what you
have right now, wherever you are IS FIRST CLASS!
May your day be filled with blessings Like the
who are miserable in first class --- because they're
not riding in a private Jet?!!
The main message: If you start appreciating what you
have right now, wherever you are IS FIRST CLASS!
May your day be filled with blessings Like the
sun that lights the sky..And may you always
have the courage To spread your wings and fly!
Yes, I am FIRST CLASS. Thanks Allah the exalted.
I felt that wud be ur answer Shi!am a 1st class too without really being in a 1st class:)
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