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Monday, November 26, 2007

EASY on my "back"..please!

Want me to write ? ok you might don't want but I want to, I just don't know what to write about , I wanted to tell ya my impression about a training course that I'm attending ...one of the very useful post graduate courses for my profession, I thought it's gonna be fun , it is not that bad but the atmosphere was kinda dead and the lecturer was trying to spice it up !!! I was kinda lost at the start, although I'm attentive by nature ... but I don't know what's going on with me.

Could be due to the stressful night I spent, or the rushy morning that I ended with me showing up last minute on the registeration table, or cud be due to the long 11 hours of the course sitting still in one place -and that's against my nature!- although I was trying to catch up before the end of the day..

There is something I do hate when some people ACT smart in a meeting or a seminar in other words pretend to be smart , it is very annoying to ask dumb questions, or even pretend to be extremely over- polite , being polite is really good behaviour but believe me not like that person! I hope things get better and more digestible .

Another type of people is less annoying actaully it doesn't bother me at all , when some person keep comparing a material he learned with the actual material that he is learning now, it is funny cuz the new piece of information is attached with the previous one ....The unability to detach ...yeah that's what I would call it !!!

All these unnecessary comments and questions-from the boys- makes us-the girls- suffer, cuz it only means spending more time from the instructor to answer these questions which at the end makes us stay extra time pass the 11 hours!!!

My back is screaming of pain! not juz bcuz of the long sitting hours, but also part of this course is practical..and I was chosen as the "victim" twice to do some manual techniques on my back!cuz they think my back is like what you see in text book, yeah right..they just wanted to use me! and I'm so stubborn, I insist on blogging my experience before I turn in although I'm drained..

Anyways, it 's good to learn something new , probably it's gonna be helpful for my patients & profession, right now my mind needs me to do this (the blogging thing not the course!), it's like discharging all complex emotions and energy I carry since last night till now..and it's kinda make me feel better..

Right now..my baby is safe and in good hands, I can rest my back and eyes..peacefully!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

♥ T!nY BeAr→ BubbLe$

♥ T!nY BeAr BubbLe$..→ DiffereNt FaCes @ DiffereNt aGe ♥

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Hot Chocolate!

When it’s cold outside, it’s always nice to come inside and wrap your hands around a nice warm cup of hot cocoa. Grocery store shelves are packed with powered hot chocolate and hot cocoa mixes, but nothing beats an old fashioned homemade cup of the real stuff.

Even if you prefer instant hot cocoa for those days when you’re busy, you can easily make the instant hot cocoa mixture yourself.

The following recipes will show you how to make real hot chocolate and real hot cocoa from scratch. You will also find a recipe for making your own instant hot cocoa mixture. If you love hot mocha or spiced hot chocolate, you will find those instructions at the end.

How to Make Real Hot Chocolate


2 squares unsweetened or semisweet chocolate
1/3 cup sugar
4 cups milk
Break or chop the two squares of unsweetened or semisweet chocolate into smaller pieces.

In a saucepan, add: 2 chopped squares unsweetened or semisweet chocolate, 1/3 cup sugar and 2 cups milk. Cook over medium heat, stirring continuously. Once the mixture comes to a boil, add the remaining 2 cups milk and heat all the way through. Do not allow the hot chocolate to come to another boil.

Remove from heat and serve immediately.

You may substitute 1/3 cup semisweet morsels for the 2 squares unsweetened or semisweet chocolate.

How to Make Real Hot Cocoa


1/4 cup cocoa powder
1/3 cup sugar
4 cups milk
In a saucepan, add: 1/4 cup cocoa powder, 1/3 sugar and 4 cups milk. Cook over medium heat, stirring continuously. Heat all the way through without allowing the mixture to come to a boil. When steam begins to build and a few bubbles escape along the sides of the saucepan, the cocoa is done.

Remove from heat and serve immediately.

How to Make Your Own Instant Cocoa Mix


6 cups nonfat dry milk powder
2 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 cup powdered nondairy creamer
In a large mixing bowl, combine all ingredients: 6 cups nonfat dry milk powder, 2 1/2 cups powdered sugar, 1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder and 1 cup powdered nond airy creamer. Mix well.

By Judith Blakley Published Nov 30, 2006

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Go placidly amid the noise and the
and remember what peace there may be
in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly,
and listen to others,
even to the dull and ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be
greater and lesser persons than

Enjoy your achievements as well as
your plans.
Keep interested in your own career
however humble;
it is a real possession in the
changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you
to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of
Nurture strength of spirit
to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark

Many fears are born of fatigue and
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as
it should.
Therefore , be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and
aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.
With all its sham,
drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.

Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy

Sunday, November 04, 2007

God Bless the Broken Roads...

1st Road: When ufall in love for the first time in ur life u think he/she is the ONE, u really love them deeply from the heart, and u start to dream of spending the rest of ur life with them, plan things together slowly..u are filled with this strong new emotion that takes over u, afraid at the same time of losing them, u see no one but them and this new feelings...until one day, circumstances change and somehow..u partways from ur loved one. Sadly all ur dreams smash hard with reality..but still with ur hurt u try to fight back against time. Ur still holding on for sometime, but not forever. Cuz nature has to do its job after all..and it's only a matter of time and distance to realize u have to let them go..and accept the fact that u were never meant to be for each other.

2nd Road: Now ur broken and defeated, and most importantly..LONELY, u long for someone to help u through ur days and nights, u miss the feelings that u felt before, u miss belonging to someone, giving and sharing..so u attract someone to help u through this phase of ur life, and then...BANG! u think he/she is the ONE! and u do the biggest mistake of falling for them. With this person, watch your heart and don't fall in love easily. Most likely you'll get hurt. I call this person the Transition Person. Usually this person dosn't remain in our lives, or live up to fantasies we may have created about them, but they do serve a purpose in help us move on and into new space. That person is someone you have attracted to help u move on. Now comes the sticky part: often u think u have attracted that person as your life long soul mate. Wrong! Usually that's not the case. That person lives out whatever karma they have to help u move on, then moves out of ur life. Your soul is confused. But you have to understand their role in your life and accept it, allowing time for ur soul to heal from the other issues.

3rd Road: Ur still hurt, confused and scared. Ur afraid to open ur heart and soul one more time, u don't trust urself or others, ur tryign ur best to move on, but in need to a frined's hand, a kind word, u don't need a lover at this stage..u need a friend. It took u days and weeks and to heal ur wounds, with an understanding soul that looks over u, shared with u all ur frustrations and breakdowns. All ur UPS and DOWNS. Someone was and is there for u and with u during it all, without planning and without knowing how much more time u need to realize that the ONE was always there with u and beside u but u were blind to see this truth! Things didn't have to be official and traditional to go through the phases of dating, meeting the parents and getting married. Sometimes it just doesn't have to work this way and it still suit u, it works for u and it never changed the fact that ur comfortable with it, ur best friend, ur life partner and ur soulmate. U find them all in one: The Only ONE for you! After u realized this fact, u need to trust again, u want to give and feel loved again..even more better, ur grown up now, u know what u need in life and what u want, u understands ur needs, u are a wiser and more experience version of u, u are committed to this relationship for life, u give unconditionally and faithfully, u may face rough rocky roads along the way. But u manage to batch things together before u go to sleep.

Now, what will happen to you when u lose the Only ONE for you? Ur life will stop? The sun will stop on shining? The earth will quit spinning around? You wonder about the fantasy about eternal love and romance and whether it will ever find you. You may feel alone and depressed. This is better than giving your personal power away. noh? You must now seek your personal power and continue the journey that was given to you when you first attracted the Only ONE for u. How have you grown from the experience? Are you upset because you did not get what you want or expected? How long did you really feel the Only ONE for u could maintain this experience while dealing with their own issues? Can you get past the anger? Doesn't everybody after a period of time? After a bad relationship ends you must find out who you have become and what you have learned. You are not the same person you were when you first started the initial relationship. You have grown in both relationships and reality now takes on a new frequency for you.

Happy Birthday!

Being alone is a time of growth. You do not have to feel lonely. This is your journey ... use it wisely.

God Bless the Broken Roads...

1st Road: When ufall in love for the first time in ur life u think he/she is the ONE, u really love them deeply from the heart, and u start to dream of spending the rest of ur life with them, plan things together slowly..u are filled with this strong new emotion that takes over u, afraid at the same time of losing them, u see no one but them and this new feelings...until one day, circumstances change and somehow..u partways from ur loved one. Sadly all ur dreams smash hard with reality..but still with ur hurt u try to fight back against time. Ur still holding on for sometime, but not forever. Cuz nature has to do its job after all..and it's only a matter of time and distance to realize u have to let them go..and accept the fact that u were never meant to be for each other.

2nd Road: Now ur broken and defeated, and most importantly..LONELY, u long for someone to help u through ur days and nights, u miss the feelings that u felt before, u miss belonging to someone, giving and sharing..so u attract someone to help u through this phase of ur life, and then...BANG! u think he/she is the ONE! and u do the biggest mistake of falling for them. With this person, watch your heart and don't fall in love easily. Most likely you'll get hurt. I call this person the Transition Person. Usually this person dosn't remain in our lives, or live up to fantasies we may have created about them, but they do serve a purpose in help us move on and into new space. That person is someone you have attracted to help u move on. Now comes the sticky part: often u think u have attracted that person as your life long soul mate. Wrong! Usually that's not the case. That person lives out whatever karma they have to help u move on, then moves out of ur life. Your soul is confused. But you have to understand their role in your life and accept it, allowing time for ur soul to heal from the other issues.

3rd Road: Ur still hurt, confused and scared. Ur afraid to open ur heart and soul one more time, u don't trust urself or others, ur tryign ur best to move on, but in need to a frined's hand, a kind word, u don't need a lover at this stage..u need a friend. It took u days and weeks and to heal ur wounds, with an understanding soul that looks over u, shared with u all ur frustrations and breakdowns. All ur UPS and DOWNS. Someone was and is there for u and with u during it all, without planning and without knowing how much more time u need to realize that the ONE was always there with u and beside u but u were blind to see this truth! Things didn't have to be official and traditional to go through the phases of dating, meeting the parents and getting married. Sometimes it just doesn't have to work this way and it still suit u, it works for u and it never changed the fact that ur comfortable with it, ur best friend, ur life partner and ur soulmate. U find them all in one: The Only ONE for you! After u realized this fact, u need to trust again, u want to give and feel loved again..even more better, ur grown up now, u know what u need in life and what u want, u understands ur needs, u are a wiser and more experience version of u, u are committed to this relationship for life, u give unconditionally and faithfully, u may face rough rocky roads along the way. But u manage to batch things together before u go to sleep.

Now, what will happen to you when u lose the Only ONE for you? Ur life will stop? The sun will stop on shining? The earth will quit spinning around? You wonder about the fantasy about eternal love and romance and whether it will ever find you. You may feel alone and depressed. This is better than giving your personal power away. noh?

You must now seek your personal power and continue the journey that was given to you when you first attracted the Only ONE for u. How have you grown from the experience? Are you upset because you did not get what you want or expected? How long did you really feel the Only ONE for u could maintain this experience while dealing with their own issues? Can you get past the anger? Doesn't everybody after a period of time? After a bad relationship ends you must find out who you have become and what you have learned. You are not the same person you were when you first started the initial relationship. You have grown in both relationships and reality now takes on a new frequency for you.

Happy Birthday!

Being alone is a time of growth. You do not have to feel lonely. This is your journey ... use it wisely.

The Soul of an Ugly Duckling©
Created in January25,2005
Copyright ©2008. All Rights Reserved 2008